Golden Scholar Program, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO
The Golden Scholars program is an opportunity for persons 60 years of age and over to take courses at a discounted rate without the stress of earning a grade. Examples of archaeology related classes offered under this program include: Intro to Anthropology, Principles of Archaeology, North American Archaeology and World Prehistory. The program benefits:
Enroll in almost any Colorado Mesa University course
No grades will be assigned as the course is taken under a noncredit "audit" status.
The tuition rate is the sum of regular course fees plus $25 per credit hour for in classroom courses or $100 per credit hour for online courses for the no grade, audit status.
Easy library access with a Colorado Mesa University Student MAVcard
Computer access including e-mail, course downloads, and enhanced online access
Discounts on athletic and music/theatre events
Access to purchase a $35 per month Rec Center membership
For more information go to , click on Registrar’s Office and then on Golden Scholars Program